Click on any image to display a description of that movie or image in this window. Click on the file size to download the movie. Click on "legend" to recover this legend. Movies are sized to fit within the following windows: HD: 1280x720 or smaller; VGA: 640x480 or smaller (will fit easily on a standard VGA monitor); QVGA: 320x240 or smaller (will fit on an ipod screen: quarter VGA)Different file sizes correspond to different quality compression. More compressed (smaller) files will be fuzzier than less compressed (larger) files.
A QuickTime plugin (Version 7) is required to view most of the movies, which use H.264 video compression. Earlier versions of QuickTime do not support H.264.
You must have an inline frames compatible browser to view this web page properly. It has only been tested on the following, and may not work on earlier versions or other browsers: Camino 1.0; Firefox 1.5; Netscape 7; Internet Explorer 5; or Safari 2.0. This page will not display properly unless your screen resolution is set to a width of at least 800 pixels.